[ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] .This is not correct.The Russians continued to send small parties of12 Chugach and Koniag to the Yakutat region until the 1860s.For example,[162], (713 in 1852 Governor N.Ya.Rozenberg reported to the rac s board of directors14 that during the past year a party consisting primarily of Chugach EskimosLines: 6515 had procured 149 sea otters between Prince William Sound and Yakutat Bay16 (avpri, f.rak, op.888, d.1020, l.204).It is true that the local Indians were 17 unhappy with the outsiders incursion into their Native hunting grounds.As 0.0pt 18 early as 1826 Governor P.E.Chistiakov wrote: Though the inhabitants ofNormal19 these places are indignant about this, because of their small numbers theyPgEnds:20 cannot be a hindrance (avpri, f.rak, op.888, d.992, l.65).In connection21 with this there even arose among the rac board of directors the temptation to22 reestablish a company village in Yakutat, both to develop trade and to suppress[162], (723 American fur traders commerce.However, Chistiakov responded negatively to24 the rac directors inquiry about restoring a Russian colony there.In his words,25 American ships did not go to Yakutat, trade was insignificant there, and the26 local Indians were hostile and dangerous (avpri, f.rak, op.888, d.992, l.65).27 The rac had to abandon active expansion in the Tlingit lands and instead28 count on their gradual acculturation.29 The beginning of rapprochement between the Tlingit and the Russians30 occurred in 1821, when Governor Murav ev permitted the Tlingit of the Sitka31 kwáan to settle at the walls of Novo-Arkhangel sk (Kittlitz 1858:1:218; Lazarev32 1832:162). Governor M.I.Murav ev, wrote the well-known Russian navigator33 Fedor P.Litke in 1827, calculating that, having under his cannons their wives34 and children and all their belongings, it being much easier to keep them35 in check and learn all their intentions, permitted them to establish a large36 settlement by the very side of the fort (Litke 1834:92).Such proximity could37 bring only an improvement in relations.The Tlingit gradually became the38 primary providers of fresh provisions to the Russians in Novo-Arkhangel sk.39 The volume of their deliveries increased from year to year.Between 1818 and162 History of Tlingit Relations in Russian America1 1825 the average annual purchase of furs and provisions among the Tlingit was2 3,750 rubles, whereas in 1831 the sum of these purchases amounted to 8,0003 rubles (Khlebnikov 1985:136).The Russian administration saw trade with the4 Tlingit as an active means of gradually subjecting and culturally assimilating5 the independent Natives, as well as a way to maintain peaceful relations with6 them.Murav ev significantly raised the price paid for furs purchased from the7 Tlingit.For sea otter the Russians paid the Tlingit three to five times more8 (100 150 rubles) than they did the Aleuts or Kodiak.The governor even issued9 a special directive concerning this, which stated in particular: Expect of this10 trade not one of gain for the company, but of one and the same benefit, that11 the company can acquire friendship and favor from the Koloshi toward the12 Russians (Khlebnikov 1985:135).[163], (73)13 Trade with the Tlingit that was based on new regulations began under P.E.14 Chistiakov in 1826, and the increase in the purchase price noticeably affectedLines: 66315 the amount of furs acquired from the Indians, which multiplied by several16 times at one stroke.Whereas in 1825 the managers of the rac used goods to 17 buy only 22 sea otters, 22 foxes, and 74 beaver skins from the Tlingit, in 1826 0.0pt Pg 18 their numbers increased to 95, 169, and 374 skins, respectively.But in 1830Normal Pag19 rum became widely traded with independent Indians, both to reduce the costPgEnds: TEX20 of the furs and to counteract American and English competitors who supplied21 spirits to the Tlingit.The rac had customarily traded wool blankets, a variety22 of fabrics, cast iron, copper vessels, and Virginia tobacco (Khlebnikov 1985:135[163], (73)23 136, 140 141).24 Striving to regulate trade with the Tlingit, the Russian administration even25 proceeded in 1831 to create a special Kolosh market, where managers of the26 rac purchased fresh provisions and other goods from the Tlingit.27 After the Indian village was founded at the walls of Novo-Arkhangel sk, the28 Tlingit chiefs frequently visited the Russian ships.Striving to get close to the29 Tlingit chiefs, the administration of the Russian colonies distributed docu-30 ments, certificates, and medals of different kinds.Thus, Murav ev presented31 the Sitka chiefs with Russian uniforms that were reminiscent, in the words of32 D.I.Zavalishin, of the uniform of the Akhtyrskii Regiment of Hussars (Zaval-33 ishin 1877:3:10:156).Litke and Ferdinand P.Wrangell confirmed the marked34 warming in Russian-Tlingit relations between the late 1820s and the early35 1830s (Litke 1834:113; Wrangell 1835:116).The incident between the Tlingit and36 Russians at Ozerskii Redoubt in 1825 was quickly managed by peaceful means37 (see the documentary appendix entry {8}).The rac board of directors, advised38 by Chistiakov about the incident, expressed its complete approval of his and39 his subordinates actions and reflected the hope that the occurrence at OzerskiiHistory of Tlingit Relations in Russian America 1631 Redoubt will serve the Koloshi as a lesson and a warning about daring such2 impudence in the future.The administration of the company wishes not only3 to preserve eternal peace and good accord with the Koloshi, but to consolidate4 trade connections with them (rga vmf, f.1375, op.1, d.5, l.193 193ob.).5 Such politics were fruitful.As Captain-Lieutenant Litke, who had visited6 Novo-Arkhangel sk in 1827, noted, the Tlingit began to show noticeably more7 loyalty to the Russians than they had in Baranov s time.Shortly before the8 arrival of his ship in the capital of Russian America, a promyshlennik had9 gone mad and fractured an Indian s skull with a stone; later two Indian slaves10 had escaped from their master and concealed themselves in the Russian fort.11 Neither of these incidents had serious consequences, as would have been the12 case formerly.What is more, the Indian chiefs in the straits of the Alexander[164], (713 Archipelago invited the Russians to establish a trading post among them (in14 particular, at Kootznahoo).For its part, the administration of the colonies triedLines: 6615 to attract the Indian aristocracy to its side.The governor of the colonies and the16 captains of the ships cruising around the world occasionally organized festivals 6.5pt17 for the Tlingit that featured solemn speeches about the need to maintain peace, 18 and included desserts of rice porridge and molasses, and glasses of grog, afterNormal19 which the Indians usually sang and danced (Litke 1834:1:156 157, 159).PgEnds:20The rac board of directors encouraged the development of trade with the21Tlingit inevery way.InanApril 16, 1826, message to the governor of Russian22America, the company s directors gave him notice that after the conventions[164], (723with Great Britain and the United States were concluded, competition with24foreign traders could be increased.Therefore, to retain trade with the Indians,25the company s directors resolved to pay the Tlingit no less, or even more, for26sea otter skins than did American captains
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