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. Asked for his opin-long walk back to the closest town, Santa Rosa, ion, Uncle John points out that the stories of miseryand try to locate spare parts.In Tom s mind,  The and deprivation no longer matter.The Joads willnearer our folks get to California, the quicker they s continue on because they no longer have a choice.gonna be money rollin in. Pa agrees to his son s Crawling into a spot of shade to get some sleepreasoning, but Ma, fiercely agitated, challenges her before the nighttime desert crossing, Tom is joinedhusband s authority for the first time in her life.by his brother, Noah.Noah announces he intendsTaking up a tire iron, she refuses to go ahead, and to stay by the river, saying  the folks don t really carethreatens to knock him  belly-up.  All we got is for me. Noah somehow senses the additional bur-the family unbroke, she says, and demonstrates an den his disability will place on the family and walksunshakable determination to keep her kinfolk away, much to his brother s consternation.Tom,together.To everyone s surprise, Pa yields to his however, makes no effort to retrieve his older sib-wife s demand, and a shift in the family dynamic ling, accepting the decision as his brother s right.takes place.Ma has now assumed the leadership of Back at the camp, Ma and Rosasharn are con-the Joads.The old rules and way of life no longer fronted by an abusive policeman as they tend toapply.Granma.Ordered to vacate the premises immedi-After some difficulty, Tom acquires the parts to ately, Ma threatens the policeman with an iron skil-fix the Dodge at a junkyard, where Tom objects let, and castigates him for scaring helpless women.rudely to the one-eyed yardkeeper s self-pitying He backs away, but not before flinging insults atdefeatism.No longer content to live one day at a her.In a panic, Ma sends Ruthie in search of Tom,time, and to keep his nose out of others business, certain that her ex-convict son will be appre-Tom has begun to take Casy s words to heart, and hended by the border patrolman.The family gath-to reach out toward the unfortunate, even if tact- ers around the campfire where Ma learns thatlessly.After Tom repairs the Dodge with quiet skill Noah has left.Despite her best efforts, the family isand confidence, he, Al and Casy join the others at breaking up, and the Wilsons also announce theira campground where the owner charges 50 cents a inability to go on.Sairy s weakness from cancer hasnight for each carload of people.There they overtaken her, and she is too debilitated to travelencounter a scrawny, ragged man heading eastward any further.Leaving most of their cash and the restaway from California who tells the tale of losing his of their food for the Wilsons, the Joads decide towife and children to starvation, and of the impov- cross the desert at night when the oppressive heaterishment of migrant workers.The ragged man will be more bearable.Under the tarpaulin cover-claims the handbills promising work to everyone ing the back of the Hudson, Connie and Rose makeare part of a devious plot to keep wages low, and love quietly while John and Casy discuss the naturethe workers from organizing.Ma refuses to believe of sin, and Ma comforts Granma.In the middle ofthe story and holds onto the hope for a better the desert, the truck is stopped for an agriculturalfuture for her family in the green land of California.inspection.Ma prevents the officers from examin-Traveling through Arizona, the minicaravan ing the vehicle thoroughly, telling them there s  aexperiences the first discrimination toward  Okies. sick ol lady who needs immediate medical atten- The Grapes of Wrath 97tion.Accepting her plea the officers wave the Joads and as he escapes down the line of tents, Tom casu-through, and by sunrise they have crossed the ally sticks out his foot, and trips the pursuingdesert into the mountains and from there into the deputy.Observing the melee from the crowd, Casycentral green valley.Everyone except Ma clambers steps forward and kicks the downed deputy intoout of the truck to view the wondrous sight, and unconsciousness.Reminding Tom of his parolee sta-when Ma finally joins them, they learn that tus, Casy urges Tom to hide, and then takes the fullGranma died during the night before the family was blame for the assault.Arrested and driven away in astopped at the inspection station.Fearful that her patrol car, Casy  sits proudly and  on his face aloved ones would be detained permanently, Ma lied curious look of conquest.to the inspectors, and then spent the rest of the Alerted by Floyd of the intention of a group ofnight curled up next to the old woman s corpse.In vigilantes to burn out the camp overnight, Tomawe, Casy says of Ma,  there s a woman so great returns to the Joad family campsite and urgeswith love she scares me. everyone to leave.They pack up the truck, andAfter taking the body to a county coroner s realize that Connie Rivers has abandoned his wifeoffice for a pauper s burial, the Joads press on to and unborn child in disappointment at the squalidtheir first HOOVERVILLE, a squatters camp of itiner- conditions of California.Hurrying away the Joadsant workers common in the depression.As the men encounter a roadblock of armed men, and Tom isinquire about the possibility of work, the truth of forced to play a servile whiner to protect his familythe desperate situation for migrant workers from the imminent violence.Following the exam-emerges [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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