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. By the looks of things, he s going to give it agood go. Langham drove faster, almost catchingup to the truck. I d better move, in case the truckis ordered to stop and we go up its arse, Alexgoing up ours.I don t fancy being inside aconcertina sandwich, do you? Not really, no.Oliver closed his eyes, praying this would allend soon with good results.Relief poured intohim at the sound of sirens, and he lookedthrough the back window to see back-up hadarrived, had finally got their arses into gear andput some speed into their pursuit.Fourunmarked vehicles followed, one overtaking Alexto slip between Langham s car and his, twoboxing him in either side, and one at the rear.Langham glanced at the rear-view and, seeingAlex was taken care of, breathed out his ownrelief. So now what? Oliver said, hoping the back-up would also take care of the truck.135 SUGAR STRANDS We carry on following them, the detectivesaid, nodding ahead.Shit.136 CHAPTER NINEAfter Langham drove around for a couple ofminutes to throw the truck driver off the fact they dbeen following them, and had almost been run offthe road by Alex, once again, Langham wedged hiscar inside some high-as-a-house bushes, one of theback-up vehicles beside them.As they sat observinga large house situated in expansive grounds downa lane just off the motorway, awaiting further back-up, Oliver took a moment to calm down.News hadcome via one of the officers in the next car that AlexReynolds had been apprehended, a clawing, insanemass of anger that it took six officers to subdue.Oliver was glad it hadn t been up to them to arresthim fucked if he would have been able to helpLangham without shitting himself.He wasn t asofty, but something like that was way out of hiscomfort zone.He was only human, after all, and SUGAR STRANDSwith no training under his belt, he d have beenmore hindrance than help.It could have all endedso differently too.Alex could have turned weird-eyed on them and killed their arses.He shuddered and took the binocularsLangham handed across to him. You have a turn.My eyes are crossing.Oliver peered through them, momentarilyfreaked by the closeness of what he saw.The truckwas parked directly outside the house, a sprawlingmonstrosity that spoke of high maintenance anda shedload of cash.The men were nowhere to beseen, no doubt inside, secreting the drugs andwhatever the hell else they d removed from Privo.The cops en route were trained to get inside andround the inhabitants up, secure the truck and itscontents, and Oliver thanked fuck for that.Langham s mobile rang, startling Oliver so thebinoculars banged his brow bone.He loweredthem, rubbing the sore spot, and glanced at thecaller display.Shields.He smiled as Langhamjabbed the speakerphone button. Yep? Langham closed his eyes for a second,probably steeling himself for whatever the otherdetective had to say.138 SARAH MASTERS Langham? Who else? Wasn t sure if your friend there would beanswering.You still outside the house. Yep. The team not arrived yet? Obviously not, otherwise I wouldn t be here. As soon as they do, I need you back here. What for? Can t you cope with RonanDougherty s flat and Mark Reynolds site byyourself? Langham rolled his eyes and smirked. Not amusing, Langham.That s sorted.Dougherty s dead, as you suspected.Armshacked off, face slashed.Mark Reynolds.Dead.Inthe field like your man said.Officers are dealingwith it all now. So? What do you want? Like I said.You.Back here.Oliver was feeling all kinds of irritation, soGod knew what Langham felt.His man he likedthe sound of that.Langham clenched his teethand drummed his fingers on his thigh. Paperwork? Langham asked. You wish, Shields said, his oily tonegrating yet slick at the same time. No, we ve got139 SUGAR STRANDSanother couple of bodies.Different to theothers. Shit.So there s someone else out there.Unless Alex offed them before he followed us,changed the way he does things to throw us off. He s too up himself to do that, Shields said. He d have wanted us to know it was him, that hewas one step ahead.In control [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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